Albrecht, H./Kierdorf, A./Tempel,N. (Hg.): Industrial Heritage – Ecology & Economy

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Helmuth Albrecht/Alexander Kierdorf/Norbert Tempel (Hg.)
Industrial Heritage – Ecology & Economy
XIV. International TICCIH Congress 2009 in Freiburg, Germany. Selected Papers.
Industriearchäologie, Bd. 10

428 S., Br., 210 × 265 mm, Abb.
ISBN 978-3-96311-738-1

Erschienen: November 2011

The 14th International TICCIH Congress in Freiberg/Germany from August, 30th to September, 5th 2009 was a great success. More than 350 participants from 37 countries and all continents of this world joined the congress. The congress main topic "Industrial Heritage, Exology and Economy" and other special topics were discussed in more than 200 papers and posters presented in 25 different sessions and workshops.

Der 14. Internationale TICCIH-Kongress vom 30. August bis 5. September 2009 in Freiberg/Deutschland war ein großer Erfolg. Mehr als 350 Teilnehmer aus 37 Ländern und allen Kontinenten dieser Welt nahmen an dem Kongress teil. Das Kongress-Hauptthema „Industrial Heritage, Exology and Economy“ und andere Spezialthemen wurden in mehr als 200 Vorträgen und Postern diskutiert, die in 25 verschiedenen Sessions und Workshops präsentiert wurden.

In Memoriam Marie Nisser (1937–2011)…11

Plenary Sessions
Sir Neil Cossons (UK): Prospects, Perceptions and the Public…12
Jörg Dettmar (Germany): Industrial Heritage and Cultural Landscape…18
Axel Fohl (Germany): Unbound Prometheus – 40 Years of Preserving Industrial Monuments in Germany…22
Rainer Slotta (Germany): From Bochum to Freiberg – TICCIH-Germany from 1975 to 2009…28
Norbert Tempel (Germany): Industrial Heritage between Economy and Ecology…34

AI Economical and Ecological Aspects of Industrial World Heritage Sites
Helmuth Albrecht, Jane Ehrentraut (Germany): The World Heritage Project “Mining Landscape Ore Mountains”…42
Lorna Davidson (UK): Managing New Lanark as a Sustainable Community…50
Stephen Hughes (UK): The Comparative Regeneration of the Blaenavon and Pontcysyllte World Heritage Areas…54
Masami Morita, Shinji Morita (Japan): The Effects of the Promotion of Tourism on an Industrial World Heritage Site – A Case Study of the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape in Japan…60
Stuart B. Smith (UK): TICCIH, IC0M0S and the World Heritage Sites – The Industrialisation of Japan…66

A2 Creative Re-Use: Industrial Heritage, Building Assessment, Real Estate and Brownfield Redevelopment
Yiping Dong, Binchao Hou (China): Shanghai Pattern: Combination of Industrial Heritage and Creative Industry – Some Cases of Industrial Heritage Conservation in Shanghai…74
Keith Falconer (UK): Sustainable Re-Use of Historic Industrial Sites – Revisited…82
Alexander Kierdorf (Germany): “The Old Factory” – Traditions, Patterns and Perspectives of Re-Use…88
Rosella Ruggeri (Italy): A Consensus Building Process and an Architectural Competition for the Future of the Old Foundry…96

A3 Conservation, Restoration and Management of Technical Heritage
Jens Daube (Germany): Maintenance Programmes – A Management Tool for the long-term Conservation of major Industrial Heritage Sites…106
Martin Gersiek (Germany): Deterioration or Restoration? – Different Tasks for
Structural Engineers dealing with Industrial Heritage…112
Marita Pfeiffer (Germany): The Hansa Coking Plant in Dortmund –Conservation Problems and Preservation Strategies…120
Norbert Tempel (Germany): The Preservation of a Milestone of Industrial Architecture – The Zollern II/IV Colliery Engine House in Dortmund…126

A4 Telling the whole Story: New conceptual approaches to the understanding of landscapes and community development
Rowan Julie Brown (UK): Collecting the Uncollectible: Presenting Energy at National Museums Scotland…138
Charles Fairbank (Canada): Though Dynasties pass: Preserving the oldest commercial Oil Field in the World – Oil Springs, Canada…144
Karsten Feucht (Germany): How Perception constructs Landscape…150
Hans-Rüdiger Lange, Detlev Mundt (Germany): Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Park – Retrospective and Perspective…156
Hsiao-Wei Lin, Bo-Chi Cheng (Taiwan): The Transformation of Chi-Ku Salt Field in Taiwan and the surrounding Landscape…162
Massimo Preite (Italy): The Bassin Minier du Nord-Pas de Calais, France –
An Evolutionary Cultural Landscape…170
Maria Schöne (Chile): Nitrate Offices - Social and Cultural Oasis in the Atacama Desert…176

A5 Power Stations: Technology and Society
Elke Mittmann (Germany): Architecture and Electricity – Power Stations between 1885 and 1945. Industrial Construction as an Expression of Culture and Politics…184
Miles Oglethorpe, Miriam McDonald (UK): The Power of Scotland – From Illumination to Enlightenment…190

A6 Industrial Heritage Tourism
Christiane Baum (Germany): ERIH – Connecting Europe's Industrial Heritage
European Route of Industrial Heritage…198
Wolfgang Ebert (Germany) Santralistanbul – ein Kraftwerk für Istanbul…202
Sue Jackson Stepowski (Australia): The 'Hill' that Refused to Break: Cultural Tourism Regenerates the Mining Town of Broken Hill…206
Karolina Hettchen (Poland): Networked Industrial Heritage – Consideration of the Old Colliery in Watbrzych (Poland) …212
Boshold Antje (Germany): ENERGY Route of Lusatian Industrial Heritage –
A Tourism Product and Marketing Network…220

A7 Art and the Industrial Revolution
Franziska Bollerey (Netherlands): When Mechanization took Command – The Impact of Industrialization Mirrored in Literature and the Arts - Prometheus and Pandora…228
Axel Föhl (Germany): Art and the Industrial Revolution. Decorative systems of Industrial Buildings – a Foray into uncharted Regions…238
Daina Glavocic (Croatia): Industrial Landscape in Art…248
Lenka Popelova (Czech Republic): Symbolic Enhancement of Institutional, Commercial and Industrial Buildings of the First Czechoslovak Republic by Motifs of Work, Trade and Industry…254
Renata Skrebska (Czech Republic): Motifs of Work and social Conditions in Sculpture and Reliefs in the Czech Republic…262

A8 Railways and Harbours: Economic and Ecological Problems
Kiiian T. Elsasser (Switzerland): St. Gotthard Railway Line and its Transport Route Predecessors – A Feasibility Study for a UNESCO World Heritage Site…268
Francesco Calzolaio (Italy/USA): Cathedral of the Sea – A Survey of the Industrial Coastal Patrimony…274

B1 Economy and Cultural Heritage? - The Relevance of Cultural Aspects in Mining Activities
André Dubuc (France): Centre Historique Minier (Lewarde/Franee) – Does a Museum help to deal with Structural Change? …282
Hans-Peter Noll, Annika Edelmann, Donato Cristaldi (Germany): Development of the Coking Plant Zollverein (Essen/Germany) – Between Brownfield Conversion and World Heritage Aims…288
Felipe Ravinet de la Fuente (Chile): World Heritage Rescue of Sewell Mining Campsite in Chile…294

C2 1/125 of a Second - Photography and the Industrial Heritage
Jan af Geijerstam (Sweden): Photography and the Industrial Heritage,
a neglected Source and its Context…302
Howard Bossen (USA): World of Steel – 160 Years of Photographs…308

C3 In or out of the global Box? Industrial Heritage from different Perspectives
Györgyi Nemeth (Hungary): In or out of the global box? Industrial Heritage from different Perspectives…316
Linda Norris (USA): In or out of the Global Box: Interpreting Chernobyl…324

C6 Modern Methods of Data Capture and Knowledge Management for a fast and efficient Documentation of Industrial Heritage Objects
Frank Boochs, Heinz-Jürgen Przybilla (Germany): RiO: Development of Methods for Data Collection, Data Analysis and Knowledge Generation of Industrial Objects…332
Ashish Karmacharya, Christophe Cruz, Frank Boochs (Germany): Formal Ontology for Knowledge Management in Archaeology…338
Ashish Karmacharya, Christophe Cruz, Frank Boochs, Franck Marzani (Germany): ArcheaoKM: Managing Data through Knowledge in Industrial
Archaeological Sites…344
Bianca Khil, Elke Schneider (Germany): Possibilities of Documentation and Analysis - Need of comparative Data for Industrial Subterranean Relics…350

D4 Planning, Evaluating and Presenting Industrial Heritage Projects
Martin Straßburger (Germany): Recording and Presenting more than 1000 Years of Mining and Smelting in Marsberg…358

D6 Conceptual and methodological Aspects of Evaluation and Redevelopment
Mette Slyngborg (Denmark): CHIP: Cultural Heritage in Planning – A Danish Point of View…366
Georgie Zacharopoulou (Greece): Sustainable Lime Heritage: Seeking out combined Conservation Strategies…372

D9 Industrial Heritage Sites and their History
Timothy Hubbard (Australia): The Industrial Heritage of Woolsheds…380

D10 Industrial Heritage in Museums: Projects and New Approaches of Presentation
Amy B. Baldonieri, Judy Linsz Ross (USA): Born of Fire: Promoting the Art Music and History of Americas Greatest Steel City…388
Lars K. Christensen (Denmark): Bringing the People back in…394
Mikkel Thelle (Denmark): Multiplicity as Strategy – The Brede Works Exhibition of Danish Industrial Culture…400

W1 DWhG-Workshop: Water History and Preservation of Technical Monuments
Manuela Armenat (Germany): Conflicting Priorities – The EU Water Framework Directive and the preservation of Historical Monuments…408

W3 The Industrial Districts of the post World War II Welfare State – Concepts and Approaches
Caspar Jorgensen (Denmark): Post-Industrial Landscapes? Analysing the Industrial Districts of the Welfare State. Denmark 1945-2005. …416
Morten Pedersen (Denmark): The Industrial Landscape of the Welfare State…422

Edition Notice…428